Saturday, August 29, 2009


Spent much of the day today getting the apartment in order. It feels great to have things put away! I do have a bit of homework to do tomorrow - which is a bummer since I wanted to have a Sabbath. I suppose I need to figure out what that really looks like. I think it means resting in ways that bring life. It means reading my Bible, praying, walking, drawing, reading books that have nothing to do with school, writing notes of encouragement to friends and family, and talking with those I love. I want to be sure to find a balance between resting and doing. I am no good at it yet...but I'm going to attempt this new lifestyle and way of thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey- I heart your blog. =) It's so fascinating reading about you and your heart for Jesus. I'm glad you've joined the blogging world! =)
